丹尼尔惠灵顿(Daniel Wellington)是一家源自北欧瑞典的手表品牌。2011年成立至今已经卖出了超过四百万块手表,因此我们的品牌成为了当今全球发展最快的手表品牌之一。丹尼尔惠灵顿(Daniel Wellington)每一个系列的手表款式都引领时尚风潮,且价格亲民 。我们怀揣梦想,希望把时尚元素传递到每个人身上。丹尼尔惠灵顿(Daniel Wellington)是目前Instagram上面最大、粉丝活跃量最高的手表品牌,我们通过线上商店同时销往全球超过190个国家和地区。 The Swedish brand Daniel Wellington is one of the fastest growing watch companies in the world and have since its inception in 2011, sold over 4 million watches. Our collection of premium fashion-watches is aspiration, yet with accessible price points. Daniel Wellington is the biggest watch brand on Instagram and has sold to over 190 countries worldwide through its web shop alone.